as i said in the previous post,
i shall post some of the pictures taken during the home econs practise last sunday at jia min's house...
only got pictures from weiting,
victoria ng shu shu say she too lazy to transfer the pics from her handphone to the computer...
and as usual,
the pictures are just things and not people...
we 拍东西不拍人
we all don't love the camera (although i like taking pictures =p).

the cooking of...
scallop ba ?
forgot le...
this step i not very sure =p

the making of hole in the tofu for the meatball
And for your information, we decided not to do the meatball in the end, we did the fish victoria ng shu shu suggested.
And the fish is nice! =]

The tofus!
(with holes already)

this is the meat for the meatball...
it's kinda fun 'massaging' the chicken.

this is something you didn't see in the last practise!
cos this one is after we do then thought putting de
looks like the fishballs hor?
but then it is not (obviously),
it is the ma ti!

the meat for the meatball (with the ma ti)


meatballs again!
weiting got a special liking for meatballs

the eggy!

the cooking of the soup!

still the cooking of the soup,
just that the lid opened for us to see what is inside
and for your information,
this soup need to boil two times,
this is the first time (without potato and carrot)

the carrot and potato!
lee ying xiang and victoria ng shu shu!

second time boiling the soup (with carrot and potato!)
Friday (today)
will only crap a little
today experienced hot and cold...
when performing for yu ying and east spring,
i was prespiring like siao lor!
damn hot la!
then when i am at the aircon bus,
i am freezing!
really very cold leh!
my fingers nearly froze!
then when i put my hands on victoria ng shu shu's face,
she also say my hands cold...
suey la today!
one moment hot like siao,
then the other moment freezing...
hao suey!!
end of post!
i shall post some of the pictures taken during the home econs practise last sunday at jia min's house...
only got pictures from weiting,
victoria ng shu shu say she too lazy to transfer the pics from her handphone to the computer...
and as usual,
the pictures are just things and not people...
we 拍东西不拍人
we all don't love the camera (although i like taking pictures =p).

the cooking of...
scallop ba ?
forgot le...
this step i not very sure =p

the making of hole in the tofu for the meatball
And for your information, we decided not to do the meatball in the end, we did the fish victoria ng shu shu suggested.
And the fish is nice! =]

The tofus!
(with holes already)

this is the meat for the meatball...
it's kinda fun 'massaging' the chicken.

this is something you didn't see in the last practise!
cos this one is after we do then thought putting de
looks like the fishballs hor?
but then it is not (obviously),
it is the ma ti!

the meat for the meatball (with the ma ti)


meatballs again!
weiting got a special liking for meatballs

the eggy!

the cooking of the soup!

still the cooking of the soup,
just that the lid opened for us to see what is inside
and for your information,
this soup need to boil two times,
this is the first time (without potato and carrot)

the carrot and potato!
lee ying xiang and victoria ng shu shu!

second time boiling the soup (with carrot and potato!)
Friday (today)
will only crap a little
today experienced hot and cold...
when performing for yu ying and east spring,
i was prespiring like siao lor!
damn hot la!
then when i am at the aircon bus,
i am freezing!
really very cold leh!
my fingers nearly froze!
then when i put my hands on victoria ng shu shu's face,
she also say my hands cold...
suey la today!
one moment hot like siao,
then the other moment freezing...
hao suey!!
end of post!
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