Pics @ Aunt's house!
Hehehe, this post will be filled with pictures I/my sis has taken while we were staying in our Aunt's house from 16th Dec to 19th Dec!
"Wa lao, AFTER SO LONG then you update?!"
Ai ya, you know I very lazy one la~
"One post, just for the pictures taken at your aunt's house? Got so many pictures meh?"
Got! 40! Enough a not? Lol~
But is random photos la, so... Hehehehe =p
Just in case you don't get it, those that I "" is like things that you MAY think/say.
Lol, don't think that I keep talking to myself already hor!
OKAY, so first day, my sis and I took the train all the way to serangoon.
As we wanted to make it a surprise, we didn't inform our Aunt and by the time we reach serangoon it's lunch time already.
Therefore, knowing that our Aunt did not prepare any lunch for us, we decided to eat at NEX.

After walking here and there (and my mei finally bought her mondo shoes, sponsored), we decided to try Carls Junior!
Yes, I know, a bit make no sense since JP has Carls Junior....
"Want try why don't try at JP go all the way to NEX?"
Cause food in NEX are generally quite expensive (restaurants) and like other fast food outlets we tried before already.

Our number~

Number together with the drinks!
My mei went for grape (F&N grape) while I went for the Ice tea.
Regret not pouring more sugar syrup... *sigh*
I forgot what burger I ordered there, I only remember I ordered a set (burger + fries + drinks).
And I can't remember how the burger taste like... (ya la, forgetful sugarcane. You should have knew it, shouldn't you? Hehe =p)
BUT! I know the fries are awesome!!
By awesome I mean placing the fries exposed in the air for several hours (like afternoon till night) and despite it being cold it still taste nice.
Like really! Cause the fries is quite a lot and we can't finish it so we dragged until night then managed to finish it.
Can fight with Macdonalds already, lol~
However, the appearance of the fries may make you think that it will not be nice (at least I did).
It's thick cut fries...
I always thought that thin fries taste better than thick fries cause the thick fries I ate all lose to thin fries.
That's why when the fries came I did not have much hope in it, plus there are some skin (real potato skin) on the fries, so, ya....

And TA-DA, the fries!
As they predicted that having potato skin on the fries may scare some customers, they wrote something like "Don't worry, we are just showing some skin" on the fries packaging!
Cute huh? Ahahaha~
Ok, I think I remember what burger I ordered already!
It's something like BBQ chicken... *stares at the photo*
Opps! =p
Ok, and the rest are super random photos
17th Dec

Decided to paint my toe nails out of boredom.
The colour nice right? Hehehe
It's from The Face Shop (scream, zq!). I bought it in malaysia because there is a freaking 70% off for it!
And in case you don't know, despite having no computer nor internet access in my Aunt's house, I managed to stay online!
Look down

That's not mine, I am not that rich...
My mei's friend, lol~

My main purpose in taking this photo is to show you guys that the fan has no outer casing or whatever you call it.
You should be able to know what I am referring to, lol~
But the picture turned out quite nice!
Hehehe, photographer in the making! *bhb*

The ice kachang I ordered for dessert after dinner!
I took a photo of it cause it's pu-li-ti!
Cannot ah? Ahahahahahaha~
18th Dec, cousin came to visit Aunt, and my sis decided to go on a photo spree...
First up, pictures of my Aunt!

Wa lao, why take picture of Aunt in this kind of pose?
Ok, anyway, will you even believe me if I say that she is around 60 years old??
No right? See the first picture, her skin is still in very good condition!
And in fact, sad to say, it's better than mine!! *cries at one corner*
My dad (aunt = dad's older sister) also look younger than he actually is!
So, it runs in the family! *prays that I kana the genes too!*

A picture of her kitchen!
Although her house is small, it's very comfy and clean!
Plus her house always got this nice smell which my sis and I conveniently called it "姑姑家的味道"
And our clothes washed by my aunt will have that smell!
Nice, I like~ =D

Picture of my cousin (the one nearer to the camera facing the back) and my aunt in my aunt's room!
Basically we just lay three beds on the floor and each of us (my sis, my aunt and I) will occupy one bed!
Awesome, can ROLL! Ahahahaha~
Actually I have a picture of my sis with my Aunt but she happened to see my this post in construction .
When she saw the pictures she demand that I take the picture down because she thinks that she looks fat in that pic.
So, there is nothing I can do....
To sis: Wear more tight clothes! It really makes you look slimmer!

Aunt's wardrobe!
And since I sleep at the bed nearest to the wardrobe, I will be quite conscious not to get too near to the wardrobe (or better, stick to it) so that I do not hit the wardrobe and make noise.
See, so considerate! =p=p=p=p=p=p=p

Pretty pictures of her window and all.
So dreamy~

A picture my sis took secretly...
Since I don't look ugly nor stupid (thanks god), I decided to post it!
And my beloved green tea is in it too! WOOO~ (Scream victoria, SCREAM!)
Ahahaha, sorry, a bit high now =p

Another secretly taken picture! While I was writing down our handphone number!
In case you find this picture familiar, scroll down to the long-hair-to-short-hair post =p

I know, I look very stupid here.
With the flash making my face look so oily and me blinking which caused it to look like as if I didn't open my eyes.
It's the only picture I took with my Aunt!! D=
And you see my hair! See see!

Me using the computer!
Same, taken secretly by my sis...
Good thing I don't look ugly/stupid in any of them! *phew*

Bought 2 at $3+ , cause there is a promotion =p
And I was like a pig that day, within one hour or so I finished the two that I bought together with my sis.
But I ate more than her....
I am growing horizontally man... D=
Just in case you think that's all, well IT'S NOT!
Just a warning, if you don't wish to see two siao zhar bors you may choose to click that red "x" button there.
Thanks for reading the post still =D
And if you think you can tahan our craziness, you may continue reading, AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Ok, good.
Here it goes~

In case you are wondering, this one up here and below ones were all taken by the webcam of that green sony vaio laptop.

Face blocked =.=
Sorry, new to camwhoring, ahahahahaha =x

My sis like kana shot by the shooting stars in the face, lol~

Sad faces....
Cause it's not our horoscope for the frame, lol~

Get it get it? Our pose + scorpion!!
I look like a long-haired ghost....
Ok, I have always looked like a long-haired ghost when i cover my face with my hair =p
No more now though....

Ok, this is totally random and unrelated to the horoscope, ahahahahahhahahaha~

Yes, I am diao-ing my dramatic sis =p

It took us quite some time to finally position our mouths near the strawberries to look like as if we are eating them.....
Heng aunt not looking when we are doing this....
If not she will think that we have something wrong, ahahahahaha~

And my sis accidentally pressed two times and we took another one in a different frame but same pose....

Sister love~
Ok, I admit, it's kinda lame.... =.=

In case you don't get it, I am trying to look sad cause my sis took the pillow.
Ok, no more!
"No more?!"
Yes, celebrate my dear~
"No more picture liao, why you still here?!"
Ok la, I shoo la!
"Wa lao, AFTER SO LONG then you update?!"
Ai ya, you know I very lazy one la~
"One post, just for the pictures taken at your aunt's house? Got so many pictures meh?"
Got! 40! Enough a not? Lol~
But is random photos la, so... Hehehehe =p
Just in case you don't get it, those that I "" is like things that you MAY think/say.
Lol, don't think that I keep talking to myself already hor!
OKAY, so first day, my sis and I took the train all the way to serangoon.
As we wanted to make it a surprise, we didn't inform our Aunt and by the time we reach serangoon it's lunch time already.
Therefore, knowing that our Aunt did not prepare any lunch for us, we decided to eat at NEX.
After walking here and there (and my mei finally bought her mondo shoes, sponsored), we decided to try Carls Junior!
Yes, I know, a bit make no sense since JP has Carls Junior....
"Want try why don't try at JP go all the way to NEX?"
Cause food in NEX are generally quite expensive (restaurants) and like other fast food outlets we tried before already.
Our number~
Number together with the drinks!
My mei went for grape (F&N grape) while I went for the Ice tea.
Regret not pouring more sugar syrup... *sigh*
I forgot what burger I ordered there, I only remember I ordered a set (burger + fries + drinks).
And I can't remember how the burger taste like... (ya la, forgetful sugarcane. You should have knew it, shouldn't you? Hehe =p)
BUT! I know the fries are awesome!!
By awesome I mean placing the fries exposed in the air for several hours (like afternoon till night) and despite it being cold it still taste nice.
Like really! Cause the fries is quite a lot and we can't finish it so we dragged until night then managed to finish it.
Can fight with Macdonalds already, lol~
However, the appearance of the fries may make you think that it will not be nice (at least I did).
It's thick cut fries...
I always thought that thin fries taste better than thick fries cause the thick fries I ate all lose to thin fries.
That's why when the fries came I did not have much hope in it, plus there are some skin (real potato skin) on the fries, so, ya....
And TA-DA, the fries!
As they predicted that having potato skin on the fries may scare some customers, they wrote something like "Don't worry, we are just showing some skin" on the fries packaging!
Cute huh? Ahahaha~
Ok, I think I remember what burger I ordered already!
It's something like BBQ chicken... *stares at the photo*
Opps! =p
Ok, and the rest are super random photos
17th Dec
Decided to paint my toe nails out of boredom.
The colour nice right? Hehehe
It's from The Face Shop (scream, zq!). I bought it in malaysia because there is a freaking 70% off for it!
And in case you don't know, despite having no computer nor internet access in my Aunt's house, I managed to stay online!
Look down
That's not mine, I am not that rich...
My mei's friend, lol~
My main purpose in taking this photo is to show you guys that the fan has no outer casing or whatever you call it.
You should be able to know what I am referring to, lol~
But the picture turned out quite nice!
Hehehe, photographer in the making! *bhb*
The ice kachang I ordered for dessert after dinner!
I took a photo of it cause it's pu-li-ti!
Cannot ah? Ahahahahahaha~
18th Dec, cousin came to visit Aunt, and my sis decided to go on a photo spree...
First up, pictures of my Aunt!
Wa lao, why take picture of Aunt in this kind of pose?
Ok, anyway, will you even believe me if I say that she is around 60 years old??
No right? See the first picture, her skin is still in very good condition!
And in fact, sad to say, it's better than mine!! *cries at one corner*
My dad (aunt = dad's older sister) also look younger than he actually is!
So, it runs in the family! *prays that I kana the genes too!*
A picture of her kitchen!
Although her house is small, it's very comfy and clean!
Plus her house always got this nice smell which my sis and I conveniently called it "姑姑家的味道"
And our clothes washed by my aunt will have that smell!
Nice, I like~ =D
Picture of my cousin (the one nearer to the camera facing the back) and my aunt in my aunt's room!
Basically we just lay three beds on the floor and each of us (my sis, my aunt and I) will occupy one bed!
Awesome, can ROLL! Ahahahaha~
Actually I have a picture of my sis with my Aunt but she happened to see my this post in construction .
When she saw the pictures she demand that I take the picture down because she thinks that she looks fat in that pic.
So, there is nothing I can do....
To sis: Wear more tight clothes! It really makes you look slimmer!
Aunt's wardrobe!
And since I sleep at the bed nearest to the wardrobe, I will be quite conscious not to get too near to the wardrobe (or better, stick to it) so that I do not hit the wardrobe and make noise.
See, so considerate! =p=p=p=p=p=p=p
Pretty pictures of her window and all.
So dreamy~
A picture my sis took secretly...
Since I don't look ugly nor stupid (thanks god), I decided to post it!
And my beloved green tea is in it too! WOOO~ (Scream victoria, SCREAM!)
Ahahaha, sorry, a bit high now =p
Another secretly taken picture! While I was writing down our handphone number!
In case you find this picture familiar, scroll down to the long-hair-to-short-hair post =p
I know, I look very stupid here.
With the flash making my face look so oily and me blinking which caused it to look like as if I didn't open my eyes.
It's the only picture I took with my Aunt!! D=
And you see my hair! See see!
Me using the computer!
Same, taken secretly by my sis...
Good thing I don't look ugly/stupid in any of them! *phew*
Bought 2 at $3+ , cause there is a promotion =p
And I was like a pig that day, within one hour or so I finished the two that I bought together with my sis.
But I ate more than her....
I am growing horizontally man... D=
Just in case you think that's all, well IT'S NOT!
Just a warning, if you don't wish to see two siao zhar bors you may choose to click that red "x" button there.
Thanks for reading the post still =D
And if you think you can tahan our craziness, you may continue reading, AT YOUR OWN RISK!
Ok, good.
Here it goes~

In case you are wondering, this one up here and below ones were all taken by the webcam of that green sony vaio laptop.

Face blocked =.=
Sorry, new to camwhoring, ahahahahaha =x

My sis like kana shot by the shooting stars in the face, lol~

Sad faces....
Cause it's not our horoscope for the frame, lol~

Get it get it? Our pose + scorpion!!
I look like a long-haired ghost....
Ok, I have always looked like a long-haired ghost when i cover my face with my hair =p
No more now though....

Ok, this is totally random and unrelated to the horoscope, ahahahahahhahahaha~

Yes, I am diao-ing my dramatic sis =p

It took us quite some time to finally position our mouths near the strawberries to look like as if we are eating them.....
Heng aunt not looking when we are doing this....
If not she will think that we have something wrong, ahahahahaha~

And my sis accidentally pressed two times and we took another one in a different frame but same pose....

Sister love~
Ok, I admit, it's kinda lame.... =.=

In case you don't get it, I am trying to look sad cause my sis took the pillow.
Ok, no more!
"No more?!"
Yes, celebrate my dear~
"No more picture liao, why you still here?!"
Ok la, I shoo la!
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