CA training
Yeah~ Sugarcane is back again!!
Today, sugarcane shall blog about the CA training way back in 11/12/10!
Actually, we have TWO CA trainings, but the first time I thought it would be like a lot of teaching behind closed doors and there will be nothing much to take pictures of, therefore I didn't bring the big and heavy dslr of my daddy's.
But I regretted like hell after the training because there are actually LOTS to take pictures of!!!
And on the second training, I am very determined to bring the camera and take down all the cute and interesting and random things there even though it is really VERY HEAVY!
And that's why there are these pictures below!!
See, I so 辛苦 then got these pictures one leh!!
Some compliments please??? =p
However, I won't upload ALL the pictures here.
Cause there are like 144 pictures!
If I am going to blog about them all I guess I would need the whole day!
Uploading the pictures took quite some time you know?
Cause the file size is big! D=
But, all is not lost!
I uploaded ALL the pictures in facebook about two weeks ago.
So if you want to see all the pictures, you can go to my fb album here!
Ok, pictures time!
In the "lecture room"...

Don't bother asking whether they real or not.
THIS IS THE ZOO, my dear!
Ok la, I admit to making this mistakes as well...
Probably cause it has been SOOO long since I last came to zoo and we are surrounded by too many fake things =p
The last two are stuffed, they are dead.
After a short briefing on what is going to happen that day, we went to our first stop...

Wildlife healthcare and research centre!
Which is basically zoo's hospitals for the animals!

Then we came to this room.
The room where dead animals will be cut open (解剖, don't know the term in english =p) to see their cause of death and blah blah blah
For someone who teared when her biology teacher cut open a pig/sheep's heart in front of her, I am quite surprised I don't really feel scared or sad.
More of excited/interested.
Have I overcome-d it???
Oh yeah~ So my choice of putting biomedical science in the second choice is right?
Sorry, digressed.
Ok, just a warning.
The pictures below may be quite disgusting, so if u have a weak heart or like me u cannot tahan this kind of things u may either want to stop reading or skip.
I would prefer you to just skip =p

A preserved goat's fetus (?)

Preserved parasitic worms found in the animals' body.

I am not sure what are these exactly, but I guess we all have a rough idea...
And the person who brought us around opened the "big fridge", where the recently dead animals were kept


And this...
Don't need me to say what is this right?
Oh, and because there is where all the dead animals have been, there is this stench there and the stench is worse when she opened the "big fridge"
But thanks god, I have nose block that day!
Means I was in there like a happy kid learning new stuffs while others are trying to bear with the stench!
Ok, no more disgusting stuff!
You can continue reading here! =D
Next stop, a museum-like small place WITH AIR CON!
And this thing greeted us before we went in...

And it's feather is all over the place and some more it poop-ed and someone blur-ly stepped on it!!!!!
This is funny~

And there is this big big weighing scale which I think is to weigh animals!
This is where yx and I spent most of our time there, weighing ourselves and our things, lol~
Don't bother asking for my weight!
I will not tell you that I am freaking heavier than what you think!
Lol, ya la ya la, I won't deny that I am heavy D=

*bangs wall*
And from there, we managed to see a poor deer/goat in operation.

Sometimes the deer/goat will like how to say ah...
抽动, like pain like that...
Poor thing!
And there, they have samples of the parasitic worms and the names, where it is found and all

Rounds worms from a mammal!!!
Humans are mammals! Omgomgomgomg, I hope I don't have them! *scared*
And what I think is the most disgusting of all worms there...

*types quickly to push it upwards, away from my sight*
But go there only can eat KFC cause all the other things are expensive (like I always tell the plants, things in these places are meant to hack the money out of foreigners =p)
And while walking to KFC, we saw this cute little thing...

Cotton top tamarin!

Don't you find this pose/picture familiar?? Hehehe =p
After our lunch break, we will have to go for our test...
On the way, we saw another thing...

Cause we are at this area whereby the orang utans will not be enclosed in their enclosure and can climb on the vines etc above us!
I am glad it did not pee on me.
If not, no matter how cute it is, I will hate it! =p

And we reached reptile garden, where we will have our test.
Ok, the test is basically, each group of 6 will be assigned some animals and within the group, we choose the animals we wanna talk about (notes on ALL the animals were sent to us beforehand, but I only read on rhinos and so heng-ly our group did not kana rhino D=).
Aloe chose king cobra, yx chose banded gila monster, I chose alligator snapping turtle because I had a deep impression of this turtle.
So, we are supposed to talk about the animal for 3 minutes and spread the conservation message for that particular animal!
On the way to snake house (where the animals our group are assigned with are)...

I TELL YOU! (show-off time!)
I took this picture from the back!
Means I just took this picture with looking at it!!!
WOO~ Nice right nice right?

Current msn dp, hehehehe
Nice right?
Wanyi initially didn't know that it was taken in the zoo leh!
In the snake house...

Some attention-seeking random snake =p

And my alligator snapping turtle!!
Big right? It can weigh up to 99.5 kg leh!! (The largest already, I think)
Should I paste my script here? AHAHAHA
Just wanna say, if you happen to go zoo and see this thing, please don't happily think that it is turtle therefore it is gentle and harmless.
This thing is super aggressive and is basically a carnivore cum scavenger!!!!!!
Don't feel scared?
See this!

Scared anot?
I don't know why so many people think that it is harmless despite it's scary appearance!
Like got parents carry their child up to get closer to this turtle (there is a like barrier there) and got children trying to step on the barrier.
Stupid la can?
Everytime I see people there I get so scared!
Then when I see them trying to do so I will go up to them and tell them that the turtle is very aggressive.
But I am wearing home clothes, which means they do not know that I have knowledge on the turtle and that I am a conversation ambassador, so there is this little boy who, after I told him that the turtle is aggressive, still tried to ge kiang and step on the barrier!
So pek cek can?
I am trying to prevent your fingers from breaking (yes, if this turtle bites your finger your bones WILL break! That's the reason why it's call alligator SNAPPING turtle!) and there you are, not appreciating my efforts!
And the worst thing is...

It DO stick its mouth out of the water!
Means even if your finger did not go into the water and is just above the water your finger can still kana snapped!
And when you see it opening its mouth and staying at a position without moving, all the more you shouldn't put your finger above the water.
Cause it means it's hungry, this is their way to luring their prey!
The heng thing is, this bloody turtle is not native to singapore! Thank god!

Scary snake! x.x
Oh, talking about snakes, I remember the first time I went to snake house I was freaked out because there is one sector named "Singapore snakes"
Obviously in the sector is all the snakes that can be found in singapore!
Omg omg omg!
And if I didn't remember wrongly, king cobra can be found in singapore as well!
Then it made me so terrified!
Because the zoo is a little like jungle, so every 风吹草动 (slightest change in my surrounding(?)) I will go "WA-TA!"
Just joking...
But I really went on ninja mode!
Everytime got anything brush against me or whatever I will make sure it is really just 风吹(wind blow) and 草动 (grass move).
Despite all these, there is an animal in there which made me go crazy (in a good way)!

They are so cute, small, agile and they are not scared of people and cameras!!!
And I saw one of them stretching!
REALLY!! Not only I saw it, another girl, hwee chi (?) saw it too!
And we both screamed like fangirls!!!!

Komodo Dragon basking in the sun like a statue...

Rhinoceros iguana

Crocodile / alligator, I forgot =p
And I didn't manage to take a picture of it's full length including the head because somehow it decided show its pretty butt (do they even have butt??) to me.

Crocodile eggs!!
Do you know that the sex of the baby crocodiles in the egg depends on the temperature in which the eggs are incubated?!
Cool right?
But because of global warming there may be an unequal sex distribution... *sigh*

And I had to zoom to the max to get this picture because it wanted to sleep at somewhere far far away from me D=
Maybe I shouldn't be sad. It is a good thing in another way =p

The tram!
Throughout the two trainings I didn't get the chance to sit on it, NOT EVEN ONCE despite staying there for like almost the whole day D=
Everytime see it drive past me I would have the urge to sit on it, but, cannot! D=

They are really freaking tall in real life!!
I think I am just the length of their legs! D=

You know the milk advertisement that goes "I want to grow, I want to grow grow grow" with giraffe on their bottle/container?
That milk company went to adopt a real giraffe and named it growie!
Win already ya?
Wanna know how growie looks like?

Growie is the one in the middle, with the darkest spots!
And it's the only male in the enclosure! The two beside him are both females!
Shiok hor? Lol~

The poor featherless ostrich there.
Why become like that?
Because it has got nothing to do therefore it keeps like pecking itself and pulling the feathers out.
Poor thing!

There is a bit of link between the milk company adopting that giraffe, but KFC adopting zebras?
What's the link?
Or, KFC just wanna adopt zebras, for no reason?
Lol~ I don't care, as long as I have zebras to see =p

No, I am not trying to be pervertic by taking it's butt.
It's just, the first time we went there if you see from this angle the legs of the zebras are so freaking nice!
Slender and long!! D=
But I only managed to take it, with the stupid lotus-leaves-lookalike blocking their awesome legs! ARGHHHH!!!

This don't know what meekcat or leek cat is the second because it do guard duty (serious!) and while on guard duty it will stand up, squat down, stand up, squat down.
But second time go there didn't manage to see it!!
ARGHHH X 2!!!!!!!!
Anyway you see the mud pact on the rhinos?
Well, they are not dirty mud patch, it's a wound sealed with mud to keep the medicine in place.
"Wound? Rhinos? In the zoo?"

Crows peck on rhinos' back to pick out all the parasitic worms and blah blah blah on the rhinos' back.
However, the crows in the zoo tend to overdo it, causing one hole with blood gushing out on the rhinos' back!
Stupid crows!!!!
Sounds painful ya? But the rhinos are quite tolerant of them because they have thick skin.
Still, crows sucks!!!
My poor rhinos! *sayangs*

Lol, such awesome timing! =D
But the verdict remains, crows sucks!

And this I don't know what it's called animal actually lives with the rhinos in the same enclosure!
Surprising ya?
This poor thing actually broke one of it's horn and now it's only left with one!
But still, both yx and I agreed that it's a handsome animal who walks like a model!
Really! Like catwalk! Very graceful! Lol~

Sadly, I failed the test because I was too nervous D=
Went back for retest and I was nervous, STILL!
But our instructor/trainer 勉强 let me pass, but I am supposed to email her 10 scripts for 10 animals
I only sent her on, and completed around 5.
The due date was to email her before this year.

The first time I see it I already have this strong urge to ride on it to tour around the zoo (it's big! Walk until your leg pain!)
But then cannot!
Somemore have to pay $5 for it, but the good thing is you can use for the whole day!
And hwee chi also wants to ride on it too!
And wanyi say we are two kids.

Wanyi says that she is a zookeeper, so it's a different story.
Who says only kids would want to ride on this?!
They got kids size and adult size one leh!
I am gonna ride on this thing one day! *determined*

Hehe, still lose to giraffe though =p
Stalker 三部曲



After this post, I will go MIA all the way until on/after cny.
No time to do more scheduled post. In fact, I rushed out this post D=
Don't miss me, but remember to tag <<<<
Today, sugarcane shall blog about the CA training way back in 11/12/10!
Actually, we have TWO CA trainings, but the first time I thought it would be like a lot of teaching behind closed doors and there will be nothing much to take pictures of, therefore I didn't bring the big and heavy dslr of my daddy's.
But I regretted like hell after the training because there are actually LOTS to take pictures of!!!
And on the second training, I am very determined to bring the camera and take down all the cute and interesting and random things there even though it is really VERY HEAVY!
And that's why there are these pictures below!!
See, I so 辛苦 then got these pictures one leh!!
Some compliments please??? =p
However, I won't upload ALL the pictures here.
Cause there are like 144 pictures!
If I am going to blog about them all I guess I would need the whole day!
Uploading the pictures took quite some time you know?
Cause the file size is big! D=
But, all is not lost!
I uploaded ALL the pictures in facebook about two weeks ago.
So if you want to see all the pictures, you can go to my fb album here!
Ok, pictures time!
In the "lecture room"...
Don't bother asking whether they real or not.
THIS IS THE ZOO, my dear!
Ok la, I admit to making this mistakes as well...
Probably cause it has been SOOO long since I last came to zoo and we are surrounded by too many fake things =p
The last two are stuffed, they are dead.
After a short briefing on what is going to happen that day, we went to our first stop...
Wildlife healthcare and research centre!
Which is basically zoo's hospitals for the animals!
Then we came to this room.
The room where dead animals will be cut open (解剖, don't know the term in english =p) to see their cause of death and blah blah blah
For someone who teared when her biology teacher cut open a pig/sheep's heart in front of her, I am quite surprised I don't really feel scared or sad.
More of excited/interested.
Have I overcome-d it???
Oh yeah~ So my choice of putting biomedical science in the second choice is right?
Sorry, digressed.
Ok, just a warning.
The pictures below may be quite disgusting, so if u have a weak heart or like me u cannot tahan this kind of things u may either want to stop reading or skip.
I would prefer you to just skip =p
A preserved goat's fetus (?)
Preserved parasitic worms found in the animals' body.
I am not sure what are these exactly, but I guess we all have a rough idea...
And the person who brought us around opened the "big fridge", where the recently dead animals were kept
And this...
Don't need me to say what is this right?
Oh, and because there is where all the dead animals have been, there is this stench there and the stench is worse when she opened the "big fridge"
But thanks god, I have nose block that day!
Means I was in there like a happy kid learning new stuffs while others are trying to bear with the stench!
Ok, no more disgusting stuff!
You can continue reading here! =D
Next stop, a museum-like small place WITH AIR CON!
And this thing greeted us before we went in...
And it's feather is all over the place and some more it poop-ed and someone blur-ly stepped on it!!!!!
This is funny~
And there is this big big weighing scale which I think is to weigh animals!
This is where yx and I spent most of our time there, weighing ourselves and our things, lol~
Don't bother asking for my weight!
I will not tell you that I am freaking heavier than what you think!
Lol, ya la ya la, I won't deny that I am heavy D=
*bangs wall*
And from there, we managed to see a poor deer/goat in operation.
Sometimes the deer/goat will like how to say ah...
抽动, like pain like that...
Poor thing!
And there, they have samples of the parasitic worms and the names, where it is found and all
Rounds worms from a mammal!!!
Humans are mammals! Omgomgomgomg, I hope I don't have them! *scared*
And what I think is the most disgusting of all worms there...
*types quickly to push it upwards, away from my sight*
But go there only can eat KFC cause all the other things are expensive (like I always tell the plants, things in these places are meant to hack the money out of foreigners =p)
And while walking to KFC, we saw this cute little thing...
Cotton top tamarin!
Don't you find this pose/picture familiar?? Hehehe =p
After our lunch break, we will have to go for our test...
On the way, we saw another thing...
Cause we are at this area whereby the orang utans will not be enclosed in their enclosure and can climb on the vines etc above us!
I am glad it did not pee on me.
If not, no matter how cute it is, I will hate it! =p
And we reached reptile garden, where we will have our test.
Ok, the test is basically, each group of 6 will be assigned some animals and within the group, we choose the animals we wanna talk about (notes on ALL the animals were sent to us beforehand, but I only read on rhinos and so heng-ly our group did not kana rhino D=).
Aloe chose king cobra, yx chose banded gila monster, I chose alligator snapping turtle because I had a deep impression of this turtle.
So, we are supposed to talk about the animal for 3 minutes and spread the conservation message for that particular animal!
On the way to snake house (where the animals our group are assigned with are)...
I TELL YOU! (show-off time!)
I took this picture from the back!
Means I just took this picture with looking at it!!!
WOO~ Nice right nice right?
Current msn dp, hehehehe
Nice right?
Wanyi initially didn't know that it was taken in the zoo leh!
In the snake house...
Some attention-seeking random snake =p
And my alligator snapping turtle!!
Big right? It can weigh up to 99.5 kg leh!! (The largest already, I think)
Should I paste my script here? AHAHAHA
Just wanna say, if you happen to go zoo and see this thing, please don't happily think that it is turtle therefore it is gentle and harmless.
This thing is super aggressive and is basically a carnivore cum scavenger!!!!!!
Don't feel scared?
See this!
Scared anot?
I don't know why so many people think that it is harmless despite it's scary appearance!
Like got parents carry their child up to get closer to this turtle (there is a like barrier there) and got children trying to step on the barrier.
Stupid la can?
Everytime I see people there I get so scared!
Then when I see them trying to do so I will go up to them and tell them that the turtle is very aggressive.
But I am wearing home clothes, which means they do not know that I have knowledge on the turtle and that I am a conversation ambassador, so there is this little boy who, after I told him that the turtle is aggressive, still tried to ge kiang and step on the barrier!
So pek cek can?
I am trying to prevent your fingers from breaking (yes, if this turtle bites your finger your bones WILL break! That's the reason why it's call alligator SNAPPING turtle!) and there you are, not appreciating my efforts!
And the worst thing is...
It DO stick its mouth out of the water!
Means even if your finger did not go into the water and is just above the water your finger can still kana snapped!
And when you see it opening its mouth and staying at a position without moving, all the more you shouldn't put your finger above the water.
Cause it means it's hungry, this is their way to luring their prey!
The heng thing is, this bloody turtle is not native to singapore! Thank god!
Scary snake! x.x
Oh, talking about snakes, I remember the first time I went to snake house I was freaked out because there is one sector named "Singapore snakes"
Obviously in the sector is all the snakes that can be found in singapore!
Omg omg omg!
And if I didn't remember wrongly, king cobra can be found in singapore as well!
Then it made me so terrified!
Because the zoo is a little like jungle, so every 风吹草动 (slightest change in my surrounding(?)) I will go "WA-TA!"
Just joking...
But I really went on ninja mode!
Everytime got anything brush against me or whatever I will make sure it is really just 风吹(wind blow) and 草动 (grass move).
Despite all these, there is an animal in there which made me go crazy (in a good way)!
They are so cute, small, agile and they are not scared of people and cameras!!!
And I saw one of them stretching!
REALLY!! Not only I saw it, another girl, hwee chi (?) saw it too!
And we both screamed like fangirls!!!!
Komodo Dragon basking in the sun like a statue...
Rhinoceros iguana
Crocodile / alligator, I forgot =p
And I didn't manage to take a picture of it's full length including the head because somehow it decided show its pretty butt (do they even have butt??) to me.
Crocodile eggs!!
Do you know that the sex of the baby crocodiles in the egg depends on the temperature in which the eggs are incubated?!
Cool right?
But because of global warming there may be an unequal sex distribution... *sigh*
And I had to zoom to the max to get this picture because it wanted to sleep at somewhere far far away from me D=
Maybe I shouldn't be sad. It is a good thing in another way =p
The tram!
Throughout the two trainings I didn't get the chance to sit on it, NOT EVEN ONCE despite staying there for like almost the whole day D=
Everytime see it drive past me I would have the urge to sit on it, but, cannot! D=
They are really freaking tall in real life!!
I think I am just the length of their legs! D=
You know the milk advertisement that goes "I want to grow, I want to grow grow grow" with giraffe on their bottle/container?
That milk company went to adopt a real giraffe and named it growie!
Win already ya?
Wanna know how growie looks like?
Growie is the one in the middle, with the darkest spots!
And it's the only male in the enclosure! The two beside him are both females!
Shiok hor? Lol~
The poor featherless ostrich there.
Why become like that?
Because it has got nothing to do therefore it keeps like pecking itself and pulling the feathers out.
Poor thing!
There is a bit of link between the milk company adopting that giraffe, but KFC adopting zebras?
What's the link?
Or, KFC just wanna adopt zebras, for no reason?
Lol~ I don't care, as long as I have zebras to see =p
No, I am not trying to be pervertic by taking it's butt.
It's just, the first time we went there if you see from this angle the legs of the zebras are so freaking nice!
Slender and long!! D=
But I only managed to take it, with the stupid lotus-leaves-lookalike blocking their awesome legs! ARGHHHH!!!
This don't know what meekcat or leek cat is the second because it do guard duty (serious!) and while on guard duty it will stand up, squat down, stand up, squat down.
But second time go there didn't manage to see it!!
ARGHHH X 2!!!!!!!!
Anyway you see the mud pact on the rhinos?
Well, they are not dirty mud patch, it's a wound sealed with mud to keep the medicine in place.
"Wound? Rhinos? In the zoo?"
Crows peck on rhinos' back to pick out all the parasitic worms and blah blah blah on the rhinos' back.
However, the crows in the zoo tend to overdo it, causing one hole with blood gushing out on the rhinos' back!
Stupid crows!!!!
Sounds painful ya? But the rhinos are quite tolerant of them because they have thick skin.
Still, crows sucks!!!
My poor rhinos! *sayangs*
Lol, such awesome timing! =D
But the verdict remains, crows sucks!
And this I don't know what it's called animal actually lives with the rhinos in the same enclosure!
Surprising ya?
This poor thing actually broke one of it's horn and now it's only left with one!
But still, both yx and I agreed that it's a handsome animal who walks like a model!
Really! Like catwalk! Very graceful! Lol~
Sadly, I failed the test because I was too nervous D=
Went back for retest and I was nervous, STILL!
But our instructor/trainer 勉强 let me pass, but I am supposed to email her 10 scripts for 10 animals
I only sent her on, and completed around 5.
The due date was to email her before this year.
The first time I see it I already have this strong urge to ride on it to tour around the zoo (it's big! Walk until your leg pain!)
But then cannot!
Somemore have to pay $5 for it, but the good thing is you can use for the whole day!
And hwee chi also wants to ride on it too!
And wanyi say we are two kids.
Wanyi says that she is a zookeeper, so it's a different story.
Who says only kids would want to ride on this?!
They got kids size and adult size one leh!
I am gonna ride on this thing one day! *determined*
Hehe, still lose to giraffe though =p
Stalker 三部曲
After this post, I will go MIA all the way until on/after cny.
No time to do more scheduled post. In fact, I rushed out this post D=
Don't miss me, but remember to tag <<<<
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