HY concert'11
On 26th Feb 2011, ah ma, vic, aloe and I went to Hua Yi 55th anniversary concert, Tapestry of Ties.
Seriously, I wonder why they use such chim name...
In the end most people would just refer it as hua yi's public concert or HY 55th anniversary concert, as seen on fb albums =p
Anyway, I did a dictionary search on "tapestry", but it was too chim for my understanding... D=
Cultural Night is like so much straight forward and better! Lol~
Ok, so I met ah ma and vic at lakeside mrt and took mrt to clementi!
Ate mos burger there (hehe, even ah ma thinks ebi rice burger is nice!) and while eating, aloe called and say she is coming!
Walked to clementi bus interchange, took bus 96 and started counting bus stops like big time noobies (only ah ma and I, the honeys are busying honey-ing).
To make sure we reach UCC in one piece, ah ma and I went to google on how to go there and etc!
Ah ma even printed the map out!Wooo~
Like so singaporean, kia si! =p
We had to rush there a little, cause ah ma wants to take a picture with her percussion girls before they go back to the backstage.
The percussion girls and ah ma!
L to R : Keller, krisha, chinwoen, old woman =p
This is the damn crowd when it's only around 6 and the concert starts at bloody 7pm!
I still thought that we are a little too kan chiong to arrive so early sia... =.=
And, like soooo many of the girls dressed until like damn nice and formal!
I spotted quite a lot wearing heels and putting piles of makeup on them!
*sigh* Now the juniors ah.... Becoming hiao-er and hiao-er...
Actually I don't really have much rights to say them, cause I am hiao myself...
Just, the age at which they start hiao-ing...
When the door opens, we went in and found a seat near the stage
After sitting there for some time, ah ma called and told us to go to the second level, which krisha told us to!
When queuing, I went up to see if we can seat on the second level, but there are like barriers outside the doors, so I thought we cannot.
Cheat my feelings!
We left our seat and got ourselves seats at the 2nd level!
Our view!
There are so many seats!
We once thought of changing to one of the seats shown here, but somehow we went back to our original seat after the break.
I thought this was just an decoration or something, until I overheard vic saying that it may, like at the end of the concert, release balloons down to where the audiences are!
Lol, the "ball of light" with the girl at the left hand corner of the photo so eye-catching!
Taken by a lousy camera with lousy zoom. Poor girl.
And finally, the concert starts!
The two poor juniors who have to crap all the nonsense behind their conscience.
Let's just skip to highlight of the day, BAND!! =D=D=D
And all I got is these three lousy photos...
*smash cam*
Anyway, I thought that the band was great!
Except for the rushing and the screwed solos....
Ai ya, I want more band time la!
I seriously think band has like the second shortest performing time among the performing groups lor!
This is no good, NO GOOD!
As much as I wished for band to be the best performance so that people will start complaining how little our performing time is, I think I have to admit dance is the best...
Nvm, band is still second best!
And you can't deny that BAND ROCKS!! Wooo~
Then it's break time!
Went to the toilet and had a photo-taking session before we went back into the hall!
We were initially wondering how we are going to take a group photo, and because we are at this quiet corner, there are no one to help us or nothing to put the camera and set timer etc.
Then we decided to just try take, with me holding the camera far far.
I thought it will not work, but IT WORKED!
Ahahahah~ I am awesome~ =p
Honey potato not ready...
And then she is.
Introducing, THE HONEYS!
Introducing, THE NOOBIES!
And Keller koped this for her height difference post here!
Remember the blue and white thingy on the ceiling and vic saying at the finale it will be released?
Well, she's right! Smart potato!
Now I wished I was sitting below... D=
I know, very kiddish, but I like! *ROAR*
Some band juniors were very high during the finale when all the performers come out onto the stage.
They even did a HYCB wave! Lol~
After the concert, we went to the entrance to wait for our dear little juniors!
And while waiting...
Hehe, what else?
And this was koped by keller for the height difference post too!
Height difference : 13cm! =p
The granddaughters
The tall honeys with short ah ma. =p
Finally, they came out and I grabbed lcr for a picture!
She played a solo during the concert, and she is one of the two soloist that didn't screw up the solo for band that night =x
So proud so proud, although I have nothing to do with her achievements =p
But, my junior leh! Clarinet leh! Wahahahaha~
Then the percussionists came out, and ah ma proceeded on to fulfill her second motive of the day!
To take percussion photo!
First shot! Ai ya, blurry!
Second shot!
Keller: "Let me find a better position..."
Third shot!
Keller: "Yay, found a good position! *smiles*"
Why alvin look so dead?!
And krisha looked damn tired!
Not without a reason though, you see the things on her hands! Crazy lots of blazers for our wardrobe mistress!
Then zaian (?) and, erm, the one on the right joined in.
Then vic grabbed her cute junior, lois for a picture!
Cute junior with uncute senior. =p
Victoria is always like "Lois cute hor? Like me!"
Lois is cute, but you are not, my dear vicky-to-ri-ah!
Lois look quite dead! Must be unhappy about taking pictures with vic!
Lol, I sound like I am trying to 挑拨离间... =x
I enjoyed myself that night! And thought that the concert is awesome (band is more awesome =p)!
I just hated the part whereby we have to wait for 3 bus 96 before we manage to squeeze into one....
Have to wait so long in the ulu NUS (it's like 10 plus in the night then) and have to squeeze like pancake in the bus... =.=
Ok, I shall end this post with a picture as usual!
It's the same as the first photo, just with an additional, erm, "thing". =p
WHY ISSIT ALL I PLAY BASS DRUM PHOTOS. You know I play bass drum until damn unglam anot! And I not finding a better position, I thought I step on something hor =( Btw Ball Of Light is called a SPOTLIGHT :X
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10:28 pm
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