New Hair!
Hi people!
Didn’t update my blog for close to two weeks already! I am feeling super lazy recently…
So, today, sugarcane is gonna blog about her new haircut, and hairdye, on 6th april, which is actually last wednesday! =D
I dyed my hair in the morning, so hair dye first!
Before I start, let me flood you with my “before” pictures. Don’t worry, there won’t be much of my face… Mostly my hair.
And don’t expect lots of word, I am still feeling lazy…
Can’t really capture the colour well… Oh well!
Couldn’t find my mum’s protective covering which I used in my last hair dye, so I had to use newspapers as a replacement… That explains my sad face… D=
And in case you find my eyes weird, it’s because my damn right eye was SWOLLEN that day… =.= That made my already small eyes even smaller. Thanks ah!
Liese bubble hairdye in sweet pink! This bottle of dye has been sitting in my house since cny eve man!
While mixing the dye….
Shake shake shake~
Putting the cap, which is like the magical thing that actually leads to the foamy structure of the dye!
Putting on the gloves… If not your hands will have the same colour as your hair… x.x
Was trying out the camera’s timer… I wonder why it keeps focusing on the wrong things that day…
Ahaha! It looks kinda gross… =p
The mess…
This table like become the “hairdye” table for me already! Both times I used this table and even when I help yx dye her hair!
TA-DA! Ok, I know, I look damn weird… But this is like the only dyed-but-haven’t-cut picture I have… D=
After dying, ah ma suggested that we go cut our hair after her polyclinic appointment! Soo, being the forever on sugarcane (k, not really…), I agreed! =DDD
Went to this trusted salon of hers near her neighbourhood to get our haircut! I initially had a little communication problem with the guy but I am glad he took the initiative to like, double confirm what I want by showing me some pictures before cutting. *phew*
He initially thought I want, like front short back long or back short front long, I can’t remember exactly. Heng he verified with me, cause I just wanted it to be the same length. Maybe sounds a bit mushroom, but it’s safest!
And he was like a bit sad when I refuse to cut my fringe. I think he thinks it’s better if I cut bangs, and he was like “你真的不要剪啊?” Ahahaha~
He was quite good la, he helped me to blow my hair to make it curl inwards! Without me requesting or even mentioning about it! =DDDDDD This part I super happy about it!
Okok, enough about it! Now it’s time for me to flood you (once again) with the “after” pictures! I looked weird still (I think I looked weird the whole day thanks to my eyes…), but you can’t deny that my hair is cute! =p
The camera prefers to focus on the damn windows than my face, like what aloe said in fb… DDD=
Damn you, camera! So much for dslr… =.=
''New hair''? Did you bought another wig? haha just kidding:P
Xilast, At
8:41 pm
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