I basically wasted my whole holiday! One month went by just like that!
Two weeks of sch + 5 days of supp + 7 days of rotting = ONE BLOODY MONTH!!
You can see the reason why this post is titled "Lifeless"
What's more, if i spent the holiday studying like some plants (*looks at carrot and ah ma*), the holiday would at least be spent more wisely, but I DIDN'T!
I feel guilty for not studying, but seriously, i am in no mood to study at all =p
Because of this lifeless life, the I-want-O-lvl-to-be-over-soon feeling is back again
D=!! At least the wait now is going to be so much shorter than when in January....
Now that I have all the time for myself, I just can't help but keep imagining the life after O lvls~ *sigh*
So, arghh!! Tolong la, anybody/any god lend me time machine???
But i think plants like aloe vera, carrot and onion aren't much better themselves this holiday too, cause they have to tahan with my rantings
You know, I can't help it! Blame the fact that no ones want to go out with me! *cries*
Was supposed to study with carrot and qiyin in library today, but then i forgot to bring any study materials!
Blame myself for being so absent-minded D=
So, i ended up reading books which will not help my studies in any way =p
But I finally knew what is the root of my problems! Wheee~
ok, that's the end of my rantings! =D
Sugarcane is bored these two weeks, so she took a lot of quizzes to kill time, and you shall read these quizzes, MUAHAHA~
Lol, maybe i am like born in the wrong day, cause i am still far from what they say D=
Weeheee, white, i like =D
Hmm, maybe i should clear my brain from all the studies? But only after o lvls D=
Hmm, first thing, i am not that clever as they said, plus i also didn't put in much work, that explains why i am not clever D=
oohhh, blue~ Maybe i can consider buying blue contacts? Nono joking only =p
Phew phew, I AM NORMAL HOR! =p
Oh, YAY! =D
OH, Paris sounds nice =D
Sobs!! D=
Oh, and the last post, I find that it is not so scary after all =p
I basically wasted my whole holiday! One month went by just like that!
Two weeks of sch + 5 days of supp + 7 days of rotting = ONE BLOODY MONTH!!
You can see the reason why this post is titled "Lifeless"
What's more, if i spent the holiday studying like some plants (*looks at carrot and ah ma*), the holiday would at least be spent more wisely, but I DIDN'T!
I feel guilty for not studying, but seriously, i am in no mood to study at all =p
Because of this lifeless life, the I-want-O-lvl-to-be-over-soon feeling is back again
D=!! At least the wait now is going to be so much shorter than when in January....
Now that I have all the time for myself, I just can't help but keep imagining the life after O lvls~ *sigh*
So, arghh!! Tolong la, anybody/any god lend me time machine???
But i think plants like aloe vera, carrot and onion aren't much better themselves this holiday too, cause they have to tahan with my rantings
You know, I can't help it! Blame the fact that no ones want to go out with me! *cries*
Was supposed to study with carrot and qiyin in library today, but then i forgot to bring any study materials!
Blame myself for being so absent-minded D=
So, i ended up reading books which will not help my studies in any way =p
But I finally knew what is the root of my problems! Wheee~
ok, that's the end of my rantings! =D
Sugarcane is bored these two weeks, so she took a lot of quizzes to kill time, and you shall read these quizzes, MUAHAHA~
You Are Excited |
![]() You are vibrant and lively. You bring passion to everything that you do. You are very animated and energetic. People find you dazzling and charming. Beyond being happy, you are optimistic and enthusiastic. There's so much life to live, and you're eager to experience so much! |
You Are 35% Left Brained, 65% Right Brained |
![]() The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning. Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others. If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic. The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility. Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way. If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art. Your right brain prefers day dreaming,and sports. |
You Are a Talker |
![]() You are a naturally outgoing and friendly person. People interest you, and you love making new friends. You are a very open minded and enthusiastic person. You see the best in others, and you're always rooting for them. You always have something to talk about. You ask a lot of interesting questions, and you know how to tell a good story. |
You are the Sense of Sight |
![]() You are a very observant, detail oriented person. You are able to take in a lot of information at once. You often see things that other people never notice. You have a good eye for design and aesthetics. You love to be surrounded by beauty - natural or not. When you imagine how something should look, you see it clearly in your mind. |
You Have Willpower of Steel |
![]() Your personal motto could be "Where there's a will, there's a way." If you will something, you make it happen - no matter how difficult it is. You don't back down from commitments, even when you regret making them. That being said, you are pretty careful about what you commit to! |
You Are Riding Boots |
![]() You are very sophisticated. You have refined tastes, and you don't fall for cheesy trends. You are naturally chic and stylish. You can pull together a great look in no time flat. You don't need a lot of flash or bling in your life. You prefer the glamour of the understated. You treasure wisdom. You are attracted to ideas and things that have stood the test of time. |
You Are "alt" |
![]() Some people might find you to be strange, mysterious, and even a bit off putting. You tend to be drawn to and influenced by alternative lifestyles. You're definitely not normal. Once people get to know you, they realize you're interesting, intriguing, and very intelligent. You have a lot of knowledge stored in that big brain of yours. Most of it is useless knowledge, but some of it is very useful. |
You Are a Revolutionary |
![]() You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others. Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy. Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas. Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges. Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom Your power color: Tangerine Your power symbol: Ace Your power month: May |
Lol, maybe i am like born in the wrong day, cause i am still far from what they say D=
Your Name is White |
![]() Your name tells people that you have good intentions and a pure heart. You try to always speak the truth. You are happy to step back and let other people shine. You don't seek attention or acclaim. People see you as someone who is generous and ethical. You can be counted on to do the right thing. You are bright and clear headed. You can offer a fresh perspective, especially when other people are in a rut. |
Weeheee, white, i like =D
Your Mind is 56% Cluttered |
![]() Your mind is starting to get cluttered, and as a result, it's a little harder for you to keep focused. Try to let go of your pettiest worries and concerns. The worrying is worse than the actual problems! |
Hmm, maybe i should clear my brain from all the studies? But only after o lvls D=
You Are a Brain |
![]() It's not easy to stretch your brain, but who ever said that life was going to be easy? You work hard to learn more and challenge yourself. You find thinking hard to be fun! You enjoy long term projects and complicated problems. You are good at wrapping your mind around complex problems. People tend to be jealous of your big brain, but they don't see how much work you put into being smart. |
Hmm, first thing, i am not that clever as they said, plus i also didn't put in much work, that explains why i am not clever D=
Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue |
![]() You've got the personality of a blue eyed women You're intense and expressive - and always on the go You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in |
oohhh, blue~ Maybe i can consider buying blue contacts? Nono joking only =p
You Are Fairly Normal |
![]() You scored 65% normal on this quiz Like most people you are normal in some ways... But you aren't a completely normal person. You're a little weird too! |
Phew phew, I AM NORMAL HOR! =p
You Are 67% Real |
![]() You know who you are, and you're pretty comfortable with yourself. Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great... But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults. As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real. |
Your Attitude is Better than 65% of the Population |
![]() You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you. |
Oh, YAY! =D
Your Independence Level: High |
![]() You are extremely self reliant and autonomous. You are definitely into doing your own thing. But you also wouldn't turn down help if you needed it. You follow your own path, but you don't do so blindly. |
Your City is Paris |
![]() You are low key and elegant. You live a simple life, but your life is anything but provincial or backwards. You are extremely cosmopolitan. Many people try to imitate your style, but they fail miserably. There's no substitute for you. |
OH, Paris sounds nice =D
You Are a Red Light |
![]() You take life at a slow pace. Life is long, so what's the rush? You are very selective. You don't make a decision until you're sure it's the right one. You have amassed some wisdom in your life, and you put it to good use. You don't act rashly. You are fair and impartial. People can count on you to do the right thing, even if you take some time to figure out what that is. |
You Are Somewhat Logical |
![]() Ok, so didn't get the majority of questions right But you did answer some pretty tough questions correctly Logic may not be your strong point, but you hold your own! |
Sobs!! D=
Oh, and the last post, I find that it is not so scary after all =p