
Friday, 30 July 2010

Young sugarcane

Hehe, I was inspired by our dear aloe vera to do this post
There will finally be pictures, ahahaha =D

First, let's play a little game =D
Guess which is me! A, B or C? (I find myself kinda cute, haha =p)

Tag your answer and the winner shall get a taste of the infamous sugarcane kick on whichever day the winner wants =D

The rest of the photos shall give you an idea on which is me! =DD

I don't know why but i loved getting my photos taken by my father...
I was told that i looked better when i smile so in almost all the photos i am smiling so bloody big! ><
And i was quite a retard, I was wth-ing when i saw the photos...
Thanks to the bloody bangs and the really retarded + wa piang poses =.=

Below is a photo my sugarcane in a wa piang but not so wa piang pose
If i pose the really wa piang ones u will be scolding wa piang non-stop as you read the post

I bet you are either laughing or wa piang-ing now

Ahaha, these two are the pretter ones, but maybe the ugliest ones for my sis =p
(I don't know why but she seems to like posing that pose in the first one)

Oh, do you know that sugarcane is a glutton?
She has been a glutton all along you know?
And she can't seem to change even though she is growing horizontally D=

The expression glutton young sugarcane would give when she is hungry D=

And the expression glutton young sugarcane would give when you give her food! =D

If I post pictures of me now you would be like "What happened to you?!"
年轻真好,although it means being a retard =p (am i too young to rant this way? Haha)

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Weekly update!

Welcome back to the weekly "adventures" of sugarcane~
So it's study, study and more study! D=
Sugarcane is still lazy, she didn't study much for her tests as usual
Not much homeworks this week, it's a good thing, but sugarcane is bored! D=

Let's just skip to Friday
Birthday celebration for Mr Lim, funnnnn~! =p
Using a pail instead of a water bomb will really be more shiok =p
Revealed angel-mortal, a little disappointed, and i guess my mortal feels the same towards me

Many Japanese girls came to our school, hehe =D
They sang songs for us, saw the true colours of some guys (mind you, not only boys)
4 came to our class for physics lesson
BIG BIG communication barrier! We had to depend on our body language and google translator to communicate with them
I wonder how we would communicate with them if we were to go (ARGH!!! WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO GO!! BLOODY H1N1! *BANGS*)

Two ok, one cute and one chio, haha
But still, seeing them will give you the urge to fly to South Korea for plastic surgery D=
Took one picture with yx and the cute Japanese, and that carrot actually posted it on her blog when she has one with another Japanese herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *chase carrot with chopper*

*runs back*
Hehe, quizzes time again! =DD
*chase carrot again*

You Should Travel to Japan

From freak sightings in Harajuku to awesome sashimi, you'll love Japan.

And who knows? You might end up on Japanese TV!


You Are "Wow"!

You are a firecracker. You're completely unpredictable.

You love a good adventure, and you're always up to something a little crazy.

You love surprising people and defying expectations. It's great to see the shock on someone's face.

You are alert and ready to act. You know opportunities don't come often, so you jump on anything that comes along.


You Should Learn French

C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs.

You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up...

Ah xiang! LOL

You Are Lightning

Beautiful yet dangerous

People will stop and watch you when you appear

Even though you're capable of random violence

You are best known for: your power

Your dominant state: performing

But.. I am scared of lightning! D=

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Experimenting

You're all about looking at the facts, and you could always use more of them.

You see life as your lab - and you're always trying out new things, people, and ideas.

The master of mix and match, you're always coming up with unique combinations.

You are good at getting a group to reach consensus.

You Are a Dash

Your life is fast paced and varied. You are realistic, down to earth, and very honest.

You're often busy doing something interesting, and what you do changes quickly.

You have many facets to your personality, and you connect them together well.

You have a ton of interests. While some of them are a bit offbeat, they all tie together well.

You friends rely on you to bring novelty and excitement to their lives.

(And while you're the most interesting person they know, they can't help feeling like they don't know you well.)

You excel in: Anything to do with money

You get along best with: the Exclamation Point

You Are Fruit Flavored Gum

You are quirky and independent. You don't tend to follow any one style or rule book.

You are a mix and match type of person, and you draw inspiration from many sources.

While you're definitely a bit unusual, you get along well with other people.

You're eager to welcome anyone into your world. You are not judgmental at all.

You form close bonds with your friends, and your relationships tend to be very secure.

You hold firm to your beliefs and values, and you don't let anyone talk you into compromising them.

I sound like a weird person in some of them...
But i am not(at least i hope)! =D

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


Life is like what carrot said, a cassette tape replaying over and over again each day
SOBS! Standard life of a student with 4 months left to her big exams D=

This week is full of mock exams when our juniors are having fun
*bangs wall* miserable week man, I can see stress leaching me again...
Why can't it just go away? It should know that it sucks, nobody want to be friends with it, and that includes me!
Monday social studies, Tuesday geography (ok, maybe that don't count) & e maths, Friday Biology and A maths, very fulfilling week right? =.=

Ok, before i start burying myself with cell division, i shall talk a teeny weeny bit on friday's np experience =D

Hmm, so it was not as fun as i thought....
I thought it would be really getting to know the REAL life of an NP student, to experience being an NP student for a day
But, apparently, it's not...
I personally think that it is no different from the open house, it just added a lecture (which is specially for us) and activities are fewer
The school of health science is boring....! D=

sugarcane know her posts are short, so she include quizzes to make it longer =D

Your Blue Umbrella Says You're Easy Going

When faced with adversity, you can be counted on.

You rise to the occasion when things are tough, and you are very dependable.

You are cool and laid back. Everyone finds you easy to get along with.

You are a good communicator and conversationalist. People pour their hearts out to you.

On a rainy day: you should spend the day catching up with your closest friends

Your Style is Natural

You prefer things that aren't overly fussy or ornate. For you, simple is best.

If possible, you like a more natural look - or at least a look that was inspired by nature.

You are turned off by wild colors and too much flair. You don't think style needs to be complicated.

You know that less is often more. You strive to live a simpler life than most.

You Are Driven and Focused

You view people with optimism. You have many meaningful relationships in your life.

You had more conflict with your father than your mother. Your relationship with him was healthy but challenging.

You deal with stress in a fairly normal way. Stress presents a struggle for you, but you're usually able to neutralize your emotions.

You are the type of person who knows how to get a lot done. However, sometimes you can't help but get overwhelmed by life.

I don't agree with the last sentence, i can keep on reminding myself to do my homeworks but still fail to do it =p

You Are Silver

You are down to earth and unpretentious. You don't feel like you need to show off, and you're very secure with your place in the world.

You are understated and elegant. You carry yourself with poise, and you're more known for what you don't do than what you do.

You can fit in anywhere from a country western bar to a black tie gala. You are adaptable and adventurous.

You are blind to social class and background. You see people as who they are ... not as where they came from or how much money they have.

Your Hair Should Be Brown

You are an intelligent, well respected person.

You are very confident. You take yourself seriously, and other people take you seriously too.

You are a good leader, and you can be trusted with someone's life.

You motivate people well, and you command respect easily.

You are competent, successful, and organized. You can't stand chaos.

Some people mistake you for being cold, calculating, or elitist.

Hmm, this is not that accurate......

You Are What

You are a very smart person, and you are happiest when you're learning something new.

You're interested in so many things, and you feel like there's always more to discover. You're very curious.

You believe that knowledge is empowerment. You do your best not to be ignorant about anything.

You are well read and continually adding to your database of information. You never stop learning.

I like learning, but i hate studying =.=

You Don't Make Waves

More than anyone else, you're happy to go with the flow. Life has enough waves without you making your own.

You don't really enjoy drama, though you don't mind watching it pass by... as long as you're not involved.

If chaos does come your way, you try to minimize it as much as you can.

You never like to feel like your life is out of control. There's no sea too calm for you.

But... Sea waves are beautiful!!

You Are a Hard Boiled Egg

You are down to earth and hard to rattle. You have a good head on your shoulders.

You can be a bit stubborn at times, and your determination has only paid off for you.

You are straight with people, and you expect them to be straight with you in return.

You are very no nonsense. You don't have time for pettiness or drama.

But i prefer 荷包蛋 =p

You Have Low Self Esteem 52% of the Time

While you sometimes feel good about yourself, you tend to struggle a little with self esteem issues.

It's not about changing who you are, it's about accepting your faults. You just need to be less critical and demanding of yourself!


You Are Very Joyful

You may not be happy all of the time, but you experience frequent moments of joy in your life.

There are moments so perfect that time has stood still and you wish you could freeze it forever.

You are so joyful because you appreciate the small things in life. You know joy is more about who you are than what you have.

You are thankful to be alive, and you know that things could be a lot worse. You are content with your life.


You Have Your Sarcastic Moments

While you're not sarcastic at all times, you definitely have a cynical edge.

In your opinion, not all people are annoying. Some are dead!

And although you do have your genuine moments, you can't help getting your zingers in.

Some people might be a little hurt by your sarcasm, but it's more likely they think you're hilarious.

hehehehee =p

You Are A Train

You are a true romantic. You have big dreams about how life should be.

You take life at a slow and steady pace. You try to appreciate every moment you have.

You are a very visual person. You are always on the lookout for beauty and inspiration.

You are able to relax and let go more than most people.

Your Mind is Red

Of all the mind types, yours is the most impulsive.

If you think it, you do it. And you can get the bug to pursue almost any passion.

Your thoughts are big and bold. Your mind has no inhibitions.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about love, your dreams, and distant places.

ohhhh, red~

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.

You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions.

You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.

You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others.

While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.

You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.

You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

You Are a Auditory Learner

You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well.

You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music.

You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star!

Wa, so not accurate! *slaps blogthings*

Your Hidden Talent is Understanding People

Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.

You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.

Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.

People crave your praise and complements.

Another not accurate one.... hai, *yawns*

Your Favorite Color Says You're Timid

Naive --- Innocent ---Neutral

Shy --- Serious --- Stubborn

Ethical --- Honest --- Self-Important

K la, this one agree to some, but it does not sound nice D=

You Are Running Shorts

You are an energetic and hyper person. You are always on the go.

You are driven and motivated. You can always make it to the finish line.

You're confident and self-assured. You know you're not perfect, but you're pretty darn happy with who you are.

You are conscientious and responsible. You are able to do the right thing, even when it's not the easy thing.


You Are 84% Shy

You are beyond shy - you are most likely have a social phobia.

Social events give you deep anxiety. You can't deal with being around other people.

Your social phobia is completely taking over your life, and it's not pleasant.

Seek help, and you'll be able to enjoy life instead of fearing it.

Oh no, I am so gonna be dubbed as anti-social again... D=

You Are Unique Because You're Wise

Unlike most people, you've got many of the secrets to life figured out.

You don't try to complicate things that don't need to be complicated. You keep it simple when possible.

You are rare in that you are able to enjoy an average, ordinary day. You don't have much to complain about.

Like a snowflake falling down to the ground, you are quiet and peaceful. You are happy to just be.

Wow, i wish i am like what it says D=

PS: I swear I will bring this "cassette tape" to recycle once O levels is over! Trust me!
OHOH, and please recycle your textbooks after Os, don't throw! And may donate those in better conditions??? Some of mine the cover is dying already... =.=

Saturday, 3 July 2010


It's sugarcane here again to give an update on her exciting life(you know that's a lie)

OK, so some things happened (obviously!)
OKOK, some bad things happened that caused my mood to be a little down.... D=
Bad week, thanks to school, i hate it for reopening, why can't it just close down ?
School brings me bad luck, i don't want to go school D=
(just another reason to hate sch when there are already many)

But sugarcane is not an unhappy sugarcane(yet)!
She tries to remain happpyyy! And will be more happy if she gets more money =DD
Hehehehe, she don't mind shopping too, just that this will cause her wallet to slim down when she wants herself to slim down and not her bloody wallet D=

Just saw that the little carrot went to ion in her tweet
*strangles carrot* WHY DIDN'T SHE BRING ME TOOO?!!!
D= I am a bad girl, thinking of shopping and going out when i am supposed to study for prelim
But still, even if i don't go out i won't wanna study too~
I feel bad, I am stuck in the middle..... D=
*kicks time on the butt to make it run faster*
If only this works.........

Nono, no quizzes this time.