YAY!! Finally another update!!
Lol, I am like the only plant still leaving my blog to rot (eh, ah bu also!)
K, so today's post will be all about my work experience as a promoter from 16th Nov to 21st Nov
First day was horrible, terrible and vegetable (i know i tweeted this already, but this is seriously the worst working day!)
WHY? Cause we had to register and the complicated registration process is making us all confused and tired blah blah blah
What's more, it is the first day where we had to stand for 10+ hours (9.30am to 9.30pm, lunch and dinner break only half an hour each)
Felt like quitting, ah ma too, but we managed to convince ourselves to stay =D
My motivation? MONEY! $_$
On second last day of work all I could think of is the last day of work, supper and of course my beloved money =p
Ok, I am making myself sound very money-face
And finally, the last day of work arrived! YAY!!
It's supposed to be the best day of work la, but this guy who came to work with us made the start of the day wrong
Scolded for nothing... (Eh, not actually scold, just raised his voice and give that impatient look =.=)
Packed at 7.30pm, busy like mad!
Busy squeezing all the pots, pans and blah blah blah into the boxes
And weirdly, sales that day was not good, but when we are packing suddenly there were people asking for this asking for that
I guess they saw us packing and naively thought that we are gonna slash our price to clear the stocks
Well, FAT HOPE! =p
I know a lot of aunties have this thinking, and don't be surprised, there are MANY such aunties appearing in orchard road
Oh, throughout the whole work experience that are MANY people asking us for directions...
Such a pity they don't know that I am a sua ku who was stuck at home due to the bloody O levels and do not have the time to explore the roads in orchard due to long working hours
And sometimes I will ask things like :"Do I look like a street directory?"
Don't worry, in my heart only la =p
But of course, this job is not all bad afterall
Cause according to ah ma, I am more sociable now! Lollllll
To customers only la, also only if they ask me questions then I will talk to/answer them lor =p
Plus at orchard, there are all kinds of people.
Aunties, uncles, OL, foreigners, foreign aunties blah blah blah
So that sort of allowed me to interact with different kinds of people
Like I said above, we are a bunch of sua kus who rarely come to orchard road
And just nice christmas is round the corner so the christmas decorations in orchard are already up!
Since it's the last day we are going there to work, we decided to act like some foreigners snapping pictures =D

Ok, I know, lousy photography... D=
I seriously want to change my bloody phone cause it's bloody lousy....
Camera lousy, speaker spoilt, songs auto become instrumental... =.=
And how would foreigners not take a picture of themselves with the scenery at the back?
Ahahaha =p

2 blurry pictures, L to R yx, me, ah ma, zq

Rainbow on laopo's hands! Coooollll~

Ahh! This thing! Don't know how many people tripped over this already, lol
PS: Won't get to watch harry potter today D=
Won't get to receive my pay today too D=
Lol, I am like the only plant still leaving my blog to rot (eh, ah bu also!)
K, so today's post will be all about my work experience as a promoter from 16th Nov to 21st Nov
First day was horrible, terrible and vegetable (i know i tweeted this already, but this is seriously the worst working day!)
WHY? Cause we had to register and the complicated registration process is making us all confused and tired blah blah blah
What's more, it is the first day where we had to stand for 10+ hours (9.30am to 9.30pm, lunch and dinner break only half an hour each)
Felt like quitting, ah ma too, but we managed to convince ourselves to stay =D
My motivation? MONEY! $_$
On second last day of work all I could think of is the last day of work, supper and of course my beloved money =p
Ok, I am making myself sound very money-face
And finally, the last day of work arrived! YAY!!
It's supposed to be the best day of work la, but this guy who came to work with us made the start of the day wrong
Scolded for nothing... (Eh, not actually scold, just raised his voice and give that impatient look =.=)
Packed at 7.30pm, busy like mad!
Busy squeezing all the pots, pans and blah blah blah into the boxes
And weirdly, sales that day was not good, but when we are packing suddenly there were people asking for this asking for that
I guess they saw us packing and naively thought that we are gonna slash our price to clear the stocks
Well, FAT HOPE! =p
I know a lot of aunties have this thinking, and don't be surprised, there are MANY such aunties appearing in orchard road
Oh, throughout the whole work experience that are MANY people asking us for directions...
Such a pity they don't know that I am a sua ku who was stuck at home due to the bloody O levels and do not have the time to explore the roads in orchard due to long working hours
And sometimes I will ask things like :"Do I look like a street directory?"
Don't worry, in my heart only la =p
But of course, this job is not all bad afterall
Cause according to ah ma, I am more sociable now! Lollllll
To customers only la, also only if they ask me questions then I will talk to/answer them lor =p
Plus at orchard, there are all kinds of people.
Aunties, uncles, OL, foreigners, foreign aunties blah blah blah
So that sort of allowed me to interact with different kinds of people
Like I said above, we are a bunch of sua kus who rarely come to orchard road
And just nice christmas is round the corner so the christmas decorations in orchard are already up!
Since it's the last day we are going there to work, we decided to act like some foreigners snapping pictures =D
Ok, I know, lousy photography... D=
I seriously want to change my bloody phone cause it's bloody lousy....
Camera lousy, speaker spoilt, songs auto become instrumental... =.=
And how would foreigners not take a picture of themselves with the scenery at the back?
Ahahaha =p
2 blurry pictures, L to R yx, me, ah ma, zq
Rainbow on laopo's hands! Coooollll~
Ahh! This thing! Don't know how many people tripped over this already, lol
PS: Won't get to watch harry potter today D=
Won't get to receive my pay today too D=