Scare you
Hehehehe, I decided to be a bad girl and scare you all
With the pictures I took of myself on prom, hehehehe!

Eh, die already anot?
Don't die yet! (although I know these are enough to scare die you)
So.... The dress I bought online for prom arrived on last thursday (23rd Dec)
It took 2 months for the dress to arrive... =.=

When the postwoman send the dress (right to the doorstep) she was like "你的家是两个房子打通的啊?" Then I say yaThen when I was signing the thingy, her head keep stretching to see my house, lol!After I signed the thingy and return to her, she said "很大leh, 你的家"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~She so funny!
The dress!
Would it have been better if THIS was the dress I wore to prom??When I wore for my mei to see she was like "This is so much more elegant!"*sigh*But there is nothing else I can do to rewind it....At least I don't have to wait until any of the plant's wedding (like aloe suggested) to wear this dressI can wear them for chinese new year! WOO~AH! NO REASON TO SHOP! D=Oh, MOST of the people (those that I let them see, like in front of me) who have saw my prom photos think that I look VERY different in the photos, lol.I mean, coloured contacts plus fake eyelashes and all the makeup... If no difference then I can go die liao, ahaha~
Prom (long one)
Sugarcane is finally going to blog about her prom after 1 month and and 5 days since her prom (on 18th nov)
Okok, before I start showing you guys the photos which I uploaded in fb as well and tell you how much fun I had, I wanna be emo first....
So, when I am walking to the mrt station, I was kinda emo....
Why? Cause I feel a lot of things are going wrong....
It just didn't go the way I thought it would be.
I was excited for prom since the start of 2010, occasionally dreaming about how wonderful everything is going to be, so it became quite a disappointment
First is the dress. I ordered a dress online on mid-octorber in hope that it would arrive in time for my prom , but it didn't (it only arrived yesterday =.=)...
So, during the late night shopping with yx, kh, xiaojie and qiyin on 15th, I bought a BLUE dress from bugis. Serious, I never thought I would wear a blue dress, but I like that dress, and there are only the blue one and the red one.
I showed the dress to my family that night, and none of them seemed pleased with the dress.
They all don't think that the dress is nice...
It kind of made me less excited for prom.
Next, I had wanted to curl my hair for prom. I wanted to look different for prom, say bye to my straight hair which has accompanied me for so long for one night.
But the curler / hair spray failed on me....
After my sis spent an hour plus curling my hair, it went back to straight...
Totally wasted my sis' effort, my time and caused disappointment!
Then my sis helped me with the makeup. I initially thought that the makeup made me look kinda fake/like a freak although I appreciate her help, really!
It is just not the make up i dreamed that I would be wearing to prom...
I am maybe just not used to that kind of makeup because it's the first time for me.
And I was all stressed up because I am rushing and I can't squeeze the make up I want to bring into that small purse of mine. I brought those to help baohui make up, but when I was walking she sms-ed me that she don't want to put on ANY make up. That was one of the reason that caused my emo-ness. Cause I was kinda excited to make-up for her, lol. And yes, she went to prom, ALL NATURAL!
Plus (yes, still have) when I walked out of my lift my necklace died on me. It broke.
I am already quite emo, this just increased my level of emo-ness.
Then when I am walking to the mrt station, MANY people looked at me like I am some freak.
Two bloody idiots when whistled at me!
I really very angry cum sad that time, I swear I feel like bashing them up... IDIOTS!
Some more my shoe "eats" my feet, the back of it.
It kind of like, scrap my skin off.
So I just kept my head down throughout the whole journey and while waiting for kh, emo-ing on twitter.
See, so many things go wrong! How not to be emo?
Wa lao, even typing this and remembering that time makes me half emo...
This is a picture I took when I was bored and emo at the station while waiting for kh I didn't expect the flash, so I got a shock, lol.
But when I walk through the train and brushing my head with the handles (those hanging on top) I feel a little shiok cause it make me feel tall! Ahahaha!
And for some weird reason, I was no longer emo when I met kh.
Serious, no joke!
K, enough of the before prom emo part, it's now time for prom itself (and pictures)!
Kh and I took mrt to city hall and walked to the hotel.
Yes, we really did that. I know it kinda "WHAT?!" but you know, we don't have a father who has a car (looks at bh & yx) and do not wish to spend on taxi
While walking, we attracted some attention of course.
An ang moh apparently looked/stared at my laopo!
We reached the venue kinda early, we are one of the earliest batch! =D
We then met yx at the hotel lobby.
I thought she won't be there so early cause she is always late *sigh*
But while we are like looking for a seat, a girl (k, she looked like a woman =p) in black walked up to us.
I didn't see her face, I just saw the dress and thought to myself "Eh, that's yx's prom dress!"
I looked up, and go like "OMG, THAT'S YX!" in my head
Yes, I am very shocked when I first saw her.
Cause she looked so mature and so pretty! She is just very different from the usual her!
And her pretty curls make me bloody jealous! D=
The pictures yx's mother helped us take at the lobby.
Koped from yx's facebook =p
Left to right, rich tai tai, freak, pretty carrot =D
TA-DA! My pretty little carrot! =D This is the first shot, flash was on without me knowing again... =.= That's why she looked kinda like a ghost here
Ahh, better! But, blurry! Pai seh pai seh! Then we sit, chat, play in this "Secret corner" recommended by mr lee until schoolmates start coming in To avoid being spotted (ya i know, makes no sense cause you WILL be spotted sooner or later, but I just feel like hiding), we went to hide in the toilet! And while hiding, we took some pictures =p
With kh. And I am still kinda like this picture because I have double face! WOOOOOOO~
With yx! Blurry again... D=Then baohui came
And we took a photo before entering the ballroom or whatever it is called =D(I look so different here, so, weird...)Then we went to find a table to sit!
And we got table 22! =D
The table....That rose belongs to kh. I am gonna bash the person if he is a guy.....!
The table arrangement!We were very scared we are sitting at a table we shouldn't, lol.
The neighbouring empty tables...
And more people came in....
Left to right: xiaojie, rich tai tai, lazy old woman, freak, pretty carrot, qiyin
Kh and bh
Ahahaha, and this is the shoot before the one above!They like ok already, then suddenly baohui did this action, and i managed to capture it!Hehe, it's obvious I am proud of this photo! Best photo of the night, MUAHAHAHA!
Each and everyone of us have a badge like this with our name on it!So cool!!!!!! =D
First activity for the night was a game.The host will toss a coin and we have to guess whether it's head or tailIf we think it's head, we have to place our hands on our head, and if we think it's tail, we have to place our hands on, ehem, our buttMr Lim actually made it into the "finals", ahahahahaAnyway, this is a picture of the boys in our class playingWe sat down after the first round despite guessing it correctly (i think?) cause none of us wish to go to the stage
Our first dish!!!All are nice, except for the sotong which i didn't eat, hehehehe!
Second dish! And after that I didn't take anymore photos on the food already, cause lazy plus occupied with games etc etcBut, the food is quite nice la, none of them are bad tasting from what I remembered =D
The empty table after we ate, hehehehe!Ok, let's skip to prom king and queen ok?So, when the host says he is going to tell us the finalists for the king and queen, I got a shock because I haven't even voted (for yx)! D=Anyway, there were 3 finalists each for the king and the queen.They are paired up and then asked to act out a scene in a movie!The first thought in my mind was "Titanic!"And...
I am right!!! WOOOO~But it's not the "you jump, I jump" part D=
Their script!The guy got to hug the girl, he 赚到了!Prom king was kenneth, VERY unexpected!I mean like, that joker?Lol, nvm, it's over~Then after it ends, we squeezed around the venue to take photos with our pretty classmates (I didn't take photo with guys, except for mr lim, lol)So, below will be the pictures from the "photo-taking" session in my camera and koped from facebook.That's one thing good about facebook, although I admit it's boring most of the times (except bejeweled!)With baohui...
@ the pretty toilet!"Why you didn't tilt your picture?!"Cause I think I look better like this! AHAHAHAAH~So be a good girl (no guys reading right?) and tilt your computer screen or your head =D
@ the table
With yx! =D
With xiaojie
With qiyin, the rocker, lol
With zhiyin, pretty girl!
With yao yuan! She looked very pretty that night also! (wa lao, so many girls look so nice, but I... *sigh)And her eyes so big! Make my eyes look so small beside hers D=
With sihui! She looked very pretty too!I know, I can go bang wall die already...But let me finish the post then die, ok? =D
With sandy! Yet another pretty girl!Oh, and in this photo you can see clearly my coloured contacts....
With mingxuan! Yes, another pretty girlLike so 找死, take pictures with pretty girls D=
WEITING!!!!!!!!!! So cute! (ok, i sound like a... les, lolllll)Saw her outside and grabbed her to take a photo with me! =DIn the future cannot squeeze her cheeks already *sobs*
With sherrill (i am not really sure of her spelling even up till now....)Then, photo taking with mr lim!The bloody guy who made us cry on that night with his video.The video was played right after our class prom video.After our class prom video ended, there was like another video on the screen.I was like "eh, I thought our class' video is the last one already?"Never did I expected him to make a video for us, it came as a total surprise.I didn't think that I would cry, but I cried.DAMN HIM!!!!!!!! HE SUCKS!!!!Heng my makeup didn't smudge, or else I will hate him for life!!!Ahahaha~
Baohui & mr lim
Mr lim + kh + bh
Me and mr limHey hey, see the rose? Doesn't it look familiar???Scroll up! That's the rose kh received that night!She re-gave it to mr lim, ahahahahahaha!
kh + wenjieBelow will be the group photos we took that night!Try spotting me! Hehehehe~

So, although I initially thought the prom will be disastrous, it turned out quite well!It's not what I thought would be, but I still enjoyed myself that night.It's shall be something worth remembering, ahahaha~