
Friday, 17 June 2011

Cmcc FOC 2011

Hey people!
Yeah, sugarcane is finally blogging! Cause…
There are finally some like events for my to blog a decent post! Ahahaha~

Ok, so on 4th to 5th July, I went for the chinese music and cultural club freshmen orientation camp! With ginger!
But sadly, we were separated into different groups… D=
Kinda expected la… The purpose of camp is to let you meet new people right? And if you have friend in your own group that would defeat the purpose…

Ok, before I continue on the camp, I realised that people have mistaken cmcc… People thought it’s about chinese TRADITIONAL music and all the boring chinese cultures, but actually, it’s about chinese POP music! It’s actually a very very music club! They offer like keyboard lessons, vocal lessons, drum lessons, acting lessons blah blah blah! So you see, it’s not as boring as most people tend to see it as!
Which is sad for them, cause they missed a chance to join a seemingly (to me =p) awesome club

Anyway, initially I thought the camp would be like all about music, like we would learn some things, but actually it’s just like any other camp, games games and games…

The beginning is like real boring, just some ice breaking games, think of group name, group cheer and design group flag (which is now behind my butt =p).
Was a little disappointed in the beginning….

Then it’s amazing race, which is damn tiring considering how bloody big sp is. But quite okay.

Ahhh, then, it’s the crime scene investigation aka CSI, which is fun! So we were given a case to work on, a murder case, ahaha~
Then there were 4 suspects. We need to go to the different stations and ask the suspect at the station two questions. The questions must be yes/no question, and cannot be too obvious, if not the suspect won’t answer and you waste one question.

And of course you won’t just be asking questions there. There will be scary factors to scare you! Ahaha, damn funny!
Like, for example, the first station, the suspect sits in the middle of the dark lecture room and gives a damn dead face. Then when we go in front to ask him question, he goes like “为什么,为什么” softly, then just suddenly “为什么!!” loudly and scared one of the girls! Damn funnnyyy!! Ahaha~
Then after that, this “ghost” comes out from a door and screams, and goes back in. Ahaha, this one ah, nobody got scared or what, people hardly give her attention! Lol, poor “ghost”!

Then we went to theatre @ moberly to ask the third suspect, and she had to act in front of a whole lot of people cause there is another camp going on there! And she acted real well! I can only say, cmcc is full of very good and professional actors and actresses! Thumbs up! Ahaha~

The last station we went to is the crime scene, W4/5, damn scary, but funny also, ahaha~

Then, we had to start thinking and preparing for our performance for that night’s concert! We decided to do a short skit. It’s basically about tiao dang, the 神 go into this person’s body and people ask the person for advices blah blah blah. Damn funny when they are rehearsing! Too bad we have to cut down on our hokkien, if not, it will be damn funny even if you don’t really understand what they are saying!
There are two groups of people asking for advice, one is like a grandma and granddaughter, the other is one girl and one guy which switched body.

The girl and guy switched body one damn funny! They were like describing the physical changes to the “神” ! Then the guy say “我的下面hor, 突然多了一条虫leh!”, and the girl say “我下面两粒transfer到上面来leh!” AHAHAHA!
And ah, they thought of the lines themself you know?! Omg, the girl damn daring! AHAHA!

Just in case you are curious, I act as the cameraman cause it’s supposed to be like a news report. So, my line is like “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 action!” and throughout the rest of the skit I am just holding my camera (which actually is my arm) =D

Then after that, we made our way to the chalet at east coast park! =D
Shared a room with another group, and they shared ghost stories for almost the entire night you know?! Lol~
Make me like, damn scared when I was bathing you know? I keep 胡思乱想-ing when I was bathing! I usually take a long time to bathe (like 30mins) but I think I came out in less than 15mins that day!
Also, after those who have a lot of ghost stories to share ran out of them, a senior actually gave a mini vocal lesson to the few of us who are still awake! Ahahaha, win already! She initially wanted us to sing so that she can give us advices on how to improve, but when she asked me to sing, she got distracted by some guy (thank god) and TA-DA, I didn’t sing! WHOOOOOO~ Ahahaha~

In the end, I only slept for 2hours, right beside the door somemore. Which actually means throughout the night while I was awake, I keep having to open the door for those who want to come in, and it’s like after a while there will be people knocking, damn irritating! But that’s not the worst, the worst is those that ge kiang, try to open the door themselves through the window. Imagine you are in the middle of a ghost story and suddenly you turn and see a hand sticking out from the window! Oh man, I rather they just knock and let me open the door for them!

So the second day… Nothing much la…

Heeheee, anyway, our group came in third for banner design, third for the performance, and third for the overall! WHOOOOO~~~

And with that, I shall end this wordy post =D
Oh, and no pictures cause my pictures are in my sis’ old phone and it refuses to on and let me transfer, so, too bad! D=